5 Ways to Kill Your IT Career (Without Knowing It)


Information Technology (IT) career, and all its sub-fields, is an extremely competitive industry. It’s filled with some of the most brilliant minds and is constantly advancing and evolving. Needless to say, it’s an industry that requires a unique and special individual to master. And, if you want to have a stellar career in IT, you must go in with a plan. 

In this article, we’re discussing the five mistakes you could be making that will kill your IT career without you even realizing it. 

a man holding up his hand to touch a code on his IT career

Don’t Spoil Your IT Career Before it Starts

With competition lurking around every corner and continuous demand for new knowledge and expertise, the IT field can be a difficult one in which to stay relevant. The last thing you want to do is make things harder on yourself by making a decision that sabotages your progress. Let’s identify some of the most harmful of them. 


  • Missing Social Networking Opportunities

You already go to work every day, what’s the harm in skipping out on the workplace social events? Actually, several benefits can come from getting out of your comfort zone and into these social opportunities. Not only is attending informal workplace events a great chance for getting to know unfamiliar coworkers and building a strong company culture, but it can also be great for networking and getting to know the bosses. 

Say yes to the social events – even just once in a while. Show your work team that you are someone outside of the typical 9-5 and use it as an advantage to get ahead. 


  • Failing to Know or Assert Your Worth

Do you know what you’re worth professionally? Are you making that kind of money?

It is so important to have high self-worth in the workplace and to convey that to those around you. This allows you to see yourself positively, go after the opportunities as they present themselves, and grow to meet the needs of your IT organization. 

Take the time to write out your skills, contemplate on your successes, and assign a true monetary value for the skills that you bring to the table. This will help you set healthy boundaries and allow you to feel fulfilled from the work you do. 


  • Becoming Complacent

Complacency is harmful to growth and momentum in any career. But in IT, where you are required to adapt, stagnation can result in career death. This is because, when it comes to technology-related fields, you’re either moving up or down. And if you’re not making an active effort to learn new skills, you’re being left behind. 

Self-improvement, education, and high-performance standards are the cure for complacency. Reach out to your management and let them know what you need to keep you on the right track, and avoid getting stuck in a routine. Instead, seek regular feedback, set new goals, and find ways that work brings joy and happiness into your life. 


  • Generalizing Your IT Resume

One of the worst mistakes you can make is to sabotage your IT career before even getting your foot in the door. Make sure to take time reading through your information technology resume and adding your skills and expertise appropriately. Customize your resume to meet the needs of the employer you’re reaching out to and take advantage of a professional summary. 

Your IT resume is the first impression a potential employer will have of you. Tell them why you’re special. 


  • Giving in to Negativity

Negativity, in any shape or form, is toxic to the workplace. It simply does not belong there. It can manifest in several different ways, but it most commonly looks like:

  • Complaining
  • Gossiping 
  • Emotional Reactivity
  • Conflict

In the workplace, negativity can come from many sources. Your job is to stay away from it. Unchecked negativity can result in absenteeism, lost trust, and even high turnover rates. Resist the urge to give in to negative behaviors in the workplace and instead, address them directly by expressing your disinterest. Offer solutions and resolutions for the negativity instead of feeding it.

Final Thoughts

Each thought, word, and action has a consequence, whether you realize it or not. That’s why it’s so important to always be mindful of the effects that your behavior is having on your career. IT is a rapidly developing field and requires you to be on your toes to achieve success. 

Have you ever made any of these damaging career mistakes? What did you do to overcome them?