When Do You Need an Executive Bio?

Personal Branding

At the executive level, it’s not enough to write your executive resume and optimize your LinkedIn profile online. Because most executive-level positions are not advertised, candidates must focus on networking and targeted search activities as well as a professional set of career marketing documents.

An executive biography can help you take your job transition to the next level. It will describe your character in detail. Continue reading to learn how prioritizing an executive bio can help you in your career marketing.

The Benefits of an Executive Bio

  1. An executive biography tells your story in an unique format. These resumes use implied first-person, and do not include articles, determiners or pronouns. An executive biography is a different story. It uses complete sentences and correct grammar. This makes it refreshing for someone who has seen many resumes. This format allows you to grab your reader’s attention and impress them with your success stories.
  2. It sets you apart from other candidates. A professionally designed set of career marketing materials will make you stand out. Employers and recruiters want to see a well-written resume and value proposition letter. However, if you include a personal biography, it will show that you are passionate about going the extra mile.
  3. It highlights your drive, purpose and communication style. C-suite resumes consist of sentence fragments and keywords. An executive biography will give you more information and explain your passions, personal philosophy, and leadership. Although it isn’t written entirely in the first person, this format allows you to be more creative and original.
  4. Give you a chance to personalize with a photo. Face-to-face communication is the best way to communicate with people. Include a professional headshot in your executive bio as an intermediary. This can be the same headshot you use on LinkedIn. Your reader should see you as a person and a contributing member of their team. A few personal details can make a lasting impression.

And remember, a professional resume writer can help you ensure your bio is on track to set you apart.