The Top 7 Questions to ask a Hiring Manager During a Job Interview

Job Interviews

When preparing themselves for a job interview, most potential candidates look at it as something of a test that they’ll need to pass. While making a great first impression is definitely important, the process should be viewed more like a test in compatibility. This is the opportunity for candidates to make an in-depth consideration on whether or not they could see themselves actually working for that company. This is why the “Do you have any questions for me?” typically offered by a hiring manager at the end of an interview should never be ignored.

Responding to this question with a few insightful questions of your own shows a serious interest in the company and says a lot about your character. It’s worth doing a little research about a business before interviewing with them and developing a small list of your inquiries in preparation for the interview. 

This article will be covering the top seven questions to ask during a job interview to impress even the most seasoned hiring manager. 

two man talking during a job interview

1. Where do People Usually Eat Lunch?

This one might seem a bit off-the-wall at first, but it’s a great way to gain some insight into company culture without directly asking about it. Getting an idea about whether people separate for lunch, eat in groups in the breakroom, or stay at their desks can help you understand the way that employees are treated. Knowing more about the way lunch happens in the organization can also help you understand whether things are more formal or relaxed and if you’d be happy to work there. 

Understanding at least a little bit about a company’s culture can help you predict if you’d be a good fit for the position. Just as a hiring manager will evaluate your likelihood for success in a position, you should evaluate the position’s ability to leave you feeling satisfied.


2. Who is the Ideal Candidate for This Position?

It’s a bold, brave question, and one that can truly help you identify whether your qualifications are up to par. Asking this question can provide you with information not found in the job description, allowing you to go above and beyond if you actually do decide to accept the position. Asking about the ideal candidate also lets you know exactly what the hiring manager is looking for, giving you a head start on the expectations for the position. 


3. Do You Need Any Clarifications from Me About this Interview or My Resume?

This is one of those thoughtful questions that could stick in your hiring manager’s mind during the job interview. Not only will they greatly appreciate the offer, but this will allow them to put some extra thought into you and your qualifications. This question could inspire the manager to take a second look at your manager or give you another chance to explain something they may have misunderstood. It can also provide you with a little peek into how you’re doing with the interview, depending on the way they decide to phrase their response. 

This also shows that you’re not afraid to receive some face-to-face feedback or criticism, and can even give the hiring manager an idea of how you might respond to it. 

4. Why Do You Like Working Here?

This is a great question because it shows the hiring manager that you are interested in the company and wants to learn more about the way they operate. It’s also beneficial for you because the answer to this question could help you make your decision on whether you want to accept the position or not. You should consider asking this question is because the manager is likely to use it as a chance to offer an in-depth sales pitch about the company. They are showing you all the rewarding aspects that come along with it. 

If you get a passionate, excited response that makes you want to work there, you can count on a high likelihood of satisfaction. 

Man on a black suit and brown shoes waiting for his job interview

5. What Does Success Look Like in this Company?

This question allows you an even deeper understanding into the company’s culture, the traits that are valued, and the way that employees are most likely treated. It offers some ability for you to compare the expectations for the position and how your skills line up. If you decide to accept the job, the answer to this question could act as somewhat of a roadmap to your growth. The hiring manager will probably answer with some areas of self-development that you should pay close attention to improving.

6. Who is this Company’s Biggest Competitor?

Not only does asking about the hiring organization’s competitor provide you insight into areas where they may be succeeding. but it also allows you to gain some understanding of the competition. Because of this, you have insider information that allows you to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of working for either.


7. What are the Next Steps in the Hiring Process?

This is one of the best questions to ask during a job interview. Not only does this provide you with some perception about the next steps to come, but it causes the hiring manager to think about taking you through those steps. It shows them that you’re truly interested and engaged in the process, further pointing toward the fact that you’re the perfect fit for the position.