Top 5 Skills That Employers Are Looking For In 2020

Job Search

Did you know there are more than 36 million people in the United States that are either unemployed or considering their next job move? It is no secret that the future of the economy is uncertain and there are many questions left unanswered as we embrace the “new normal.”  As the number of job searches

online job interview

5 Tips to Ace Your Remote Job Interview

Job Interviews

A remote job interview is clearly becoming a practice right now. As more and more employers transition their teams to work-from-home arrangements during the pandemic, both hiring managers and workers gain an understanding of how efficient remote work calls for skills that tend to be different from the ones required for in-office work. Employers hiring

Job Search Privacy - How to Protect Yourself

Job Search Privacy – How to Protect Yourself Online

Job Search

Since most job searches and job applications are now an online process, it has become vital to take steps to preserve your identity when sending resumes. While it might seem counter-intuitive, the less is more approach applies here. Legitimate companies and job posting sites will not require more information until an actual interview is about

Job Interview

Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Job Interviews

Let’s say that you’re conducting an interview and near the end of the interview the candidate suddenly asks, “What are your most popular products?” In another job interview, an equally qualified candidate for the position displays full knowledge of your company’s products plus shows awareness of the competitive pressures in the employer’s industry. The candidate